Thursday, July 17, 2008

Friends, Family and getting down to business!

Update- this past weekend we had some friends from Alabama in town. We enjoyed having them at our home. We went to Sea World on Friday. I had never been before and it was a fun time. Probably not my favorite park but I did enjoy it. Luckliy we arrived right before the park opened so we were able to see most everything that we wanted to in the morning before it got sweltering hot. We all know how much I hate the humidity as it is, but this day is was beyond miserable for me, oh well I made it through! We left a little after lunch before it got even worse.
Saturday we went in to Tampa and and went to the Tampa Zoo. It was a nice zoo. Enjoyed seeing all the animals. Harper made both parks with us and did great. I know she loved being in her stroller and observing everything. We had a few mishaps on the Tampa trip that included a broken, no longer functioning stroller among other things, but all in all it was a fun weekend and we hope to see them soon!

This weekend, my cousins from Jacksonville are coming down until Tuesday. Sunday we are going to go to Sea World's new water park, Aquatica. So bring on the heat! I think I can handle it as long as there is water near by. This park seems like a lot of fun, so I will fill you all in after we go. I think Monday we are going to skip another park and head to the gulf for the day! Can't wait!

Ok, getting down to business. So, I have thought of ways to motivate myself into getting back into shape (it is about time that I do), so I have decided to train for a 5K! Ha, I know that sounds ridiculous, who needs to train to run three miles, well that would be me my friends! Sad as it may be, I hate the act of running but I love the way it makes me feel! So, starting next week, I will begin. I know that if I have a goal then it will make me work harder to accomplish something. So we will see how it goes. I have always hated running, I dreaded the 20 minute run in elementary school, one of the last always to make it! Before I got pregnant I was pretty close to running that without stopping, then I got pregnant and that gave me an excuse to stop! So, I will keep you all updated on my progress. Should be interesting. I am also contemplating on hiring a personal trainer, still thinking about that one, if it were up to me, I would have one tomorrow but Eron has to approve and he thinks he should be my trainer, ha, what a joke, that would never work! But I am getting closer to it happening!

Post again soon!



Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Shelley, thank you so much for stopping by my site. I love talking to other El Pasoans. You're right about the food. Once you've had El Paso Mexican food, nothing else compares. Is Harper your baby? Absolutely precious. I'm sorry I don't have too much time to visit your site right now, but I will be back so we'll talk again. Hasta luego.

Sherah said...

oh gosh... running... no thanks I'll leave that up to the dogs! :) But I do giggle at the fact that Eron wants to be your trainer... I can see it now!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Shelley - I go to Gold's for spin class every Tues, Thurs morning at 6am and then Sat. at 8am. If you can ever make it, you'd probably like it. Easier on the joints than running and fun in a group setting. Good luck though - I've been at this for about 8 weeks and it's tough to stick with it but feels great when you do!