Thursday, June 5, 2008

St. Augustine and a Sick Baby!

Busy week, again! Eron and I started our week celebrating our four year anniversary in St. Augustine, FL (today is our actual anniversary!). We stayed at a cozy B&B on the bay front, rented a scooter to get us around and took a private carriage ride. It was a great time, just wish that we had more time. If you have never been, you must go visit, it is one of my most favorite places. Harper did great with Cheryl while we were gone. I don't think she even missed us! It was a good time. We headed home to Lakeland Monday night.

So, Tuesday night rolled around and we had one of the worst nights that we have ever had with Harper. She was awake off and on pretty much the whole night. She just was not acting like herself. She had been a little congested for about a week before that, and I figured it was just a little cold which is viral in nature and there is nothing you can do for that anyway, so we were just going to wait it out and see how she felt. Well Wednesday morning, she could not be consoled at all (not like her at all) she cried for a good thirty minutes straight. So, eight o'clock rolled around and I figured I better call the doc. Well, we went and it turns out she did have a cold, like I thought, but that led to a right ear infection, which I suspected. Poor baby, but I am glad to know what we are dealing with here. The doc gave her an antibiotic which we have started. She seems to be feeling better and I am thankful. So, please keep us and her in your prayers. Luckily we have all been getting better sleep! Granted she has never been sick in almost 9 months, so we are definitely grateful for that!

1 comment:

From the View of 1336 said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you all had a blast. Sorry to hear that Harper got sick. Not fun at all.When are you coming to Dallas?