Friday, June 13, 2008

Made my day!!

These photos that I took from my sis in law (sorry jen, but i had to), gave a me some much needed laughs today.

Renner with pink goggles, I dont know why I think this is so funny
Sweet cousins
Oh my, this one gave me the biggest laugh
As Jen says, Elle was having hair drama before the wedding
And, last but not least, I am at a loss for words with this one- oh goodness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pink goggles...oh my. Elle has worn them the 2 times we've gone swimming this week, and I don't know who looks funnier in them. So funny.
Eron's picture is definitely my favorite. Tell him Six Flags called me as a reference for him, so it's looking positive. Go measure those kids for the Judge Roy Scream! ;)