Monday, August 4, 2008

And what is a post without pictures of Harper Faye...

These pictures were suppost to be a part of the last post, but of course for some reason I could not get them all on there like I normally can, so I am sure you all get tired of seeing pictures of her, but I can't resist!

In this photo below she is intently watching her dogs play fetch. and yes she is not wearing shorts, tank top and diaper that is it!
Poor thing, when is she ever going to get hair???? It is so burly, just like her daddy's was when he was a baby. Bless her little heart, hairless child...

1 comment:

Stefanilw said...

Hey! I hope all is well in Florida. FYI: I can't see the pictures from your latest two posts. Oh and send me your email address (unless it is still the same) and I will email you some recipes. Been meaning to do that.